Walkin No-Knuckling Training Socks for Dogs Review

In this article we will be reviewing a very important product that was designed specifically for dogs suffering from Knuckling. Walkin No-Knuckling Training Socks for Dogs was specifically made to help correct the problem of knuckling and it’s one of the most effective tools on the market.

Allow me to provide little bit of background. I own Kennel. When I found Molly, a rescue pup, she had a problem with one of her feet. She constantly dragged one of her feet when she walked. With a little bit of research I realised that Molly was Knuckling. This made her feel so much pain for her. I then began to look for solutions to help her and to ease her discomfort.

Consulted a Vet

I knew I had to help her, so I took her to a veterinarian for treatment and after examining Molly, the vet found that Molly’s knuckling was caused by a broken bone hence she had to get surgery to help her condition.

To me, it was important to help Molly grow like a normal pup so I planned towards her surgery which turned out successful. After surgery, the healing process started after about a month, Molly was able to move but still she still had occasional knuckling.


This was when I began a search for anything that can help her enjoy a normal active life. I came across a product from Walkin’ called No-Knuckling Training Socks which is said to be effective for training the legs of dogs who have undergone surgery. I figured this would be something worth trying for Molly so asked my vet and with his approval, I purchased one.

Having said all that, this is a review of Walkin’ No-Knuckling training socks and will serve as a guide dog owners who are in a similar position like I was. This guide will help you to solve your dear pooch’s knuckling condition.


Table of Contents:


  • What is Walkin’ No-Knuckling training socks?


  • What is Walkin’ No-Knuckling training socks made of?


  • How effective is Walkin’ No-Knuckling training socks?


  • How to use Walkin’ No-Knuckling training socks?


  • For how long can you leave Walkin’ No-Knuckling training socks on your pooch?


  • Is it worth the price?


  • What are the pros and cons of Walkin’ No-Knuckling training socks?


  • Is this product recommended for dog owners?


  • What other products can you try?


  • Can humans use this?




What is Walkin’ No-Knuckling Training Socks?


The No-Knuckling Training Sock is a temporary training tool for short-term use which helps to correct gait and improve your pup’s paw placement.


It encourages dogs to pick up their feet when moving and provide training support for pets who drag their paws due to injury, disease, or leg weakness.


This product is designed and used by Canine Rehab Professionals for in-clinic use or to enhance at-home training between rehab sessions. It is designed to help pets who suffer from knuckling due to injuries and/ or illnesses.


This product works by stimulating in-between your dog’s toes, to evoke a withdrawal reflex. It is perfect for in-clinic use or to enhance at-home training between rehab sessions.


It comes in two different types…one type for your dog’s front legs and the other for it’s rear legs.


Since Molly’s front leg was the one with a problem, I purchased the Walkin’ Front No-Knuckling Training Sock.


What is Walkin’ No-Knuckling Training Socks Made of?


This No-Knuckling training sock is made from durable, lightweight neoprene with soft sherpa padding and toe cord cushioning.


These materials offer a comfortable fit for pets with leg weakness.


This product comes with a specially sized cord that helps you to get the perfect fit. There are also touch fastener closures which secure and support your doggie’s joint.


How Effective is Walkin’ No-Knuckling Training Socks?


This product is considered very beneficial for dogs.


While using this for Molly, I made sure to follow the right instructions.


The product stayed in place and on the 6th day, I realized a huge positive change with Molly, her stance became stronger and her knuckling was almost non-existent.


This product was great for my dog.

How to use Walkin’ No-Knuckling Training Socks?


This product comes in different sizes ranging from XSmall – XLarge. While choosing the right size for your pooch, you are required to measure the length from your dog’s hock joint to the top of its paw when it’s standing. Depending on your dog’s measurement, you’ll be able to choose one that fits perfectly.

However it’s advisable to go one size up if your pooch is in-between sizes. When you receive the product, you can put it on your dog using the following steps.



  • Spread open the No-Knuckling Training Sock (NKTS), attaching each strap to itself while keeping it open


Then wrap it around your dog’s hock joint on the lower part of the affected leg. Be sure to keep the cord loop free and positioned at the front of your dog’s leg.



  • Keeping the cord loop-free and over straps, secure the touch fastener straps, starting with the bottom strap. And then, secure the top strap.


Finally, if there is a third strap (this is normal with bigger sizes) tighten it last, just below your dog’s hock joint.



  • Wrap the fleece pad around your dog’s toe area of the cord loop


This helps to add extra padding between cord and toes. It’s important to keep the soft fleece closest to your dog’s paw while the touch fastener should face the ground.



  • Place the cord loop around and under the middle two toes




  • Pull slowly at the top of the cord to tighten


Then test your dog’s reaction. If there is no reaction, gradually tighten more as you watch for it’s reaction. Please avoid wrapping the sock too tightly, as that may interfere with circulation or limit the mobility of your pup’s leg.

Do not tighten the cord to the extent where it could cause an irritation or pull your dog’s toes up too far. The softest part of the fleece pad should always be touching your dog’s skin, with the touch fastener edge pointing away from your dog’s paw.



How long can you leave Walkin’ No-Knuckling Training Socks on your Pooch?


This sock is a short-term training tool which shouldn’t be used for a prolonged period of time. I used it on Molly for 2-5 minute intervals at the beginning of our walk before removing. Any misuse or extended wear period beyond manufacturer’s recommendations may lead to paw injury.

Note: It is best to use the training sock at the beginning of a walk for best results. Any placement of a brace, wrap or support on your pet may cause it to kick it’s leg or paw trying to remove the product…so it’s important to not leave the sock on your pet unattended.


Is it Worth the Price?


The price of the product from about $70 across online store and this price depends on the size you’re purchasing for your dog. In my opinion, yes, this product is worth the price. It was very effective for Molly and there are countless other reviews that verify how effective this product is for dogs with knuckling.


What are the Disadvantages of No-Knuckling Training Socks?


While many have reported this product to be very effective, there have also been some claimed downsides. There’s a potential hazard with prolonged use, which is injury to your dog’s paw. Therefore, you’re advised to use this product only as directed.


Would I recommended No Knuckling Training Socks to other Dog Owners?


The short answer is absolutely. It is safe for all dog breeds, and there are several sizes you can choose from. I used this for Molly and was 100% impressed with the results, so as a dog owner, I recommended that other dog owners get this product for their pups who surfer knuckling. This should be done only after getting an approval from the vet. Several dog owners I have spoken to are glad that their pooch didn’t mind the foot brace being on their feet.



What other Options can you try?


Depending on your pup’s condition, there are several other devices that help with knuckling. This could be tiny doggie boots, splints and other anti-knuckling braces. Simply ask your vet and go ahead to purchase based on your vet’s advice.


Is this Product Suitable for Humans?


No, this product is not suitable for humans, and wouldn’t even fit humans. As a human having a knuckling problem, your physician is at the best position to offer you advice and treatment. So kindly see a doctor.



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