Top Dog Training Products and How to Train Your Dog Effectively

1.     Amazon Basics Pet Training Puppy Pads Review

How to Use Amazon Basics Pet Training Puppy Pads To Train Your Dog

Puppies can be a joyful addition to any home because of their general loving and spirited nature but they also have to poop and pee very often which can become a disastrous situation before they are properly house-trained. The answer to those early stages of being a dog is for an owner to invest in puppy pads which are essentially what a diaper would be for a small baby or child. Amazon Basics Pet Training puppy pads are one of the most highly rated and popular choices for this purpose.

A puppy is likely to answer nature’s call anywhere he can without thinking too much of it. Since you will be keeping him in your home this is not an option worth considering. Till he picks up on the toilet training, Amazon puppy pads can provide a much welcomed relief from having to clean up after him too often. For the most part these puppy pads are remarkably absorbent so you don’t have to change them as often as you’d think. They will also alert you to the way your pet behaves when he has to pee.

The Pad Itself

The pads measure 22 by 22 inches and are quite a good size for smaller dogs and generally smaller breeds. They can hold up to three cups of water which gives the owner a good many hours between changings. When putting on the pad (which has five layers of absorbency), make sure it is a good fit for your pup because unless it is put on properly the urine may escape from the pad and irritate the dog. For the most part the pads will reduce any arising odor but if you still feel that it is present, it may be a sign you need to change the pad up to a few times a day.

Creating That Mentality

When you begin to train your dog only put the pads on him when is going to be wandering inside the house. This will build the concept in his mind that peeing or pooping inside the house and making a mess is generally discouraged. The Amazon pads themselves are very comfortable to wear and have an in-built scent which attracts dogs towards them. This scent cannot really be picked up by humans and is engineered for dogs. After some time of wearing those pads you can skip putting them on your dog for some hours in a day and laying them flat on the ground. The puppy will see the pad on the floor and gravitate towards it because he is already used to urinating in those pads.


It is recommended to take an early start to alternating between putting the pad on and taking it off and encouraging the dog to sit on it when you spot signs of unease and certain behaviors associated with a dog that needs to pee or poop. When the pup actually does pee on the pad make sure you praise him and show affection along with offering him a dog biscuit. The more times you repeat this, the more likely the pup is to follow the protocol of using the pad for popping and peeing and after some time has passed you’ll be able to remove the pad and train him to go outside when he needs to do his business.

Keeping It to One Place

If you are using the pad and the scent it contains to get the dog to pee just where you have laid it down, then confine it to one place only. This will aid in longer term conditioning when you will have removed the pad. It also subconsciously conditions the pup that he must not pee whenever and wherever he desires but in one spot only which has been decided by his owner. You can choose a bathroom or any other small enclosed space in the house for this.

As with most training matters be as patient as you can with your new pup and use positive reinforcement rather than the opposite as that will set the tone for his responses in the years to come.

2.     All Absorb Training Pads and Soft Puppy Bites Product Review

There are many ways to ensure your little puppy grows up to the dog that he/she was meant to be, but before you get to be proud you first have to put in a little effort to ensure that your pet lives up to their full potential.

When they first come into this world they are completely reliant on others to take care of them. Though this will prove to be a very difficult task at first, the bond that you will develop with your puppy through there nurturing stage will be unbreakable.

Making a new puppy that comes into your home comfortable is one of the first things that need to be taken into consideration. At this stage your pet will have no control over bowel movement, and if you happen to come across a product that takes care of this issue and keeps your puppy comfy; that would be ideal.

All Absorb Training Pads

The brand All Absorb aims to provide absorb solutions with products such as training pads and disposable bed mats. The All Absorb Training Pads were designed for your dog, whether your pet is a puppy in training or an aging dog that needs assistance.

Features of All Absorb Training Pads

All absorb training pads are similar to doggy diapers; the core of the pads instantaneously converts the urine into a gel, thus keeping your dog comfortable for a longer period of time. The All Absorb training pads are twenty-two by twenty-three inches and are capable of containing a maximum of three cups of liquid. The pads are leak proof, and when the entire surface area becomes gel and the pad becomes a bit heavy it’s time for a change.

How its Designed

Each absorb training pad is designed with five layers of protection. The first is made of a non-woven cloth, which facilitates the flow of urine in the hopes of getting it to the absorbent core instantaneously. The second layer is made up of a combination of paper tissue, baking soda and dog attractant.

The third layer is a combination of super absorbent polymer pulp and fluff pulp and this is where you find the absorbent core. The fourth layer is a collection of paper tissue. The fifth layer’s single purpose is to keep liquid from seeping to the floor and this is achieved with the use of a water proof PE film.

The box of All Absorb Training Pads has a total of 100 pads and the size of the pads makes it ideal dogs from a small to medium size. The Absorb Training Pads are mad with an odour neutralizer that helps to maintain the freshness of your home. The pads are designed to keep your dogs dry and comfortable; on the surface you will find a range of different levels of small bumps, small bumps which main function is to keep your pet comfortable at all times.

Simple Steps to train Your Dog

For dogs talent seems to come effortlessly as they entertain us, they provide unwavering companionship and in some cases they provide a form of life support; such as dogs who assist the disabled. Though not scientifically proven, dog owners and even people who have come into contact with dogs, are convinced that dogs are indeed one of the more intelligent animals they have come across.

Dogs are excellent learners; some owners have found them extremely susceptible to learning, and have taken this knowledge to foster an even deeper connection with their pets. For most dog owners the main dilemma is how to go about training their dog. Whether the desired result is to get your dog peeing outside or to teach him party tricks to impress your guess, the following steps should prove useful enough to get you to your ultimate goals.

Initiation Training

At one point or another you might have seen the skills of a well trained dog and thoroughly enjoyed the performance. If you are hoping to undertake a similar adventure with your pet, you should know it will not be an easy task. However as you progress in the training, you will find your efforts to be lest tedious and rewarding when you start to see signs that your pet is learning.

In the initiation stage the goal is to understand how your dog learns; each animal is unique and what your friends dog responses to might not necessarily be what your dog response to.

Reward System

After you have figured out how your pet learns, the next step is to reward desirable behaviours while punishing undesirable ones. This can be achieved with either a favourite toy or a favourite snack. Whenever the dog displays desirable behaviour you reward that behaviour by giving him/her the favourite snack or toy. In order to make it as clear as possible that this reward is a result of him having done such things, the reward has to be immediate as dose the punishment.


There may be moments when it seems as if you are not getting through to your pet, or even times when it seems like one day of break has erased all the progress that took weeks to accomplish. The key to getting your pet at a desired point and having him stay there is consistence, which will require a major commitment on your part.

Even on your sick days if it is possible, try to get in at least half the time you usually do. Bear in mind that there will actually become a time when some missed training days will not induce regression from your pet, however until you have reached that stage consistency has to play a key role in your approach.


When trying to teach your pet a new trick repetition is usually the key to success. Before you can feel confident proceeding from one trick to another, you would have needed to repeat that trick several times, then circle back to it and again repeat several times before the end of your training session.

Avoid Exhaustion

If you are being to find a particular training session exhausting odds are your dog is feeling it to. The potential of exhaustion to hinder learning is also true for dog. Repetition is a key aspect when trying to teach your dog a new trick, but when you spend too much time trying to repeat the same task with your dog, this may result in a lack of interest from your dog which will eventually serve to prove your efforts as futile.

Try to remember that though dogs are intelligent animals, they are nowhere close to humans on a cognitive development level. Therefore you should strive to accomplish very simple tasks with your pet at first, and if there is any hope of your dog retaining what you have though the task needs to be minimal. If one of your goals is to teach your dog how to sit and stand it would be best if he/she is taught this task as two separate entities.

New Skills

If you eventually decide to add to the skills your dog acquired during his first training, the same approach that you employed initially that proved to be successful should be repeated in order to achieve optimal results.

How to Teach Your Dog to Poo in One Designated Area

Getting a puppy for the first time can be a very exhilarating experience but few new owners take into account the steep learning curve that follows. One of the most important things that a new dog owner has to keep in mind is how to keep their space (however large or small it may be), as clean as possible and that includes toilet training your new pup. Understanding how the mind of a dog works can help you condition them to only relieve themselves only in one certain acceptable area and not on your expensive living room carpet as they may be inclined to do.

Establish That Schedule

Dogs have a selective kind of memory which means that while remembering a timeline of events may be next to impossible for them they do retain information which is deemed important for their health. This is why behavioural patterns which are repeated such as them getting a treat every time they do a trick successfully, will stick in their minds. The same can be achieved with potty training.

If you establish a specific time for your dog to do his business and then stick to one location like a crate for example he is less likely to make horrifying mistakes all over the house. Most dog owners agree that the morning right after you wake up is the best time to take your dog outside for a little walk and encourage him to relieve himself in nature. Most dogs can control their bladders for as much as two hours but it is your responsibility to not push it beyond that point.

Giving treats to reward this kind of good and obedient behavior will further increase the positive reinforcement. Furthermore, be careful that you are not over-feeding the dog as this is a common enough mistake for new and inexperienced owners. Dogs generally need to be fed no more than three times a day in moderation. The feeding schedule should go in line with the time chosen for pooping for maximum success with training.

Ease Into It

With a new dog you may be motivated to let them run loose to see what they get themselves into or you may also want to engage with them right away even when house-training has not really set in. This is something however that you need to ease into because your dog still needs to understand certain boundaries as well as the fact that he does have to listen to you. Show your love when he does something right and by that you are determining he will get trained faster.

In the beginning it is generally advisable to make them comfortable with a leash which can be tied somewhere in your house. This means that when the dog will need to pee for example he will exhibit a kind of uncomfortable behaviour such as making yelping sounds, chewing excessively and scratching himself a lot as well as surrounding objects. You can then lead him outside to the chosen designated area. Dog cages and dog homes are a good idea to train your pet in the art of boundaries as well as temporary confinement. For a younger dog, many owners use a crate or container for toilet training before they advance on to a chosen area in their yard or in a nearby park.

On His Own

When you have succeeded with the above steps you will be able to move on to encouraging him to go on his own whenever he has to poop. This means using the dog flap or running through an open door in order to do his business and then come back. As with all the other tricks of training your dog, it is a game of immense patience but ultimately immense reward as well since your home will stay clean and the dog will be pleasurable company instead of a nuisance whenever you need to travel with him. It is also easier to clean up after a dog that has only one spot for answering nature’s call. Hence this is a kind of training that is not only essential but can pay many dividends in the coming happy years with your canine companion.

How to Teach your dog to attack.

Teaching your dog how and when to attack is very important to the safety of your house hold and property. Teaching your dog when to attack can be a difficult task but will also serve has a good bonding experience for you and your pet. A dog is more of a predator than a prey so attacking will be natural instincts, however nobody wants a dog to keep them up at nights barking at the neighbour’s cat. So to avoid this you need to train your dog how to identify potential danger.

How to Teach your Dog to attack on Command

Say there is an intruder in your home you would expect your dog to attack to make you aware of the intruder’s presence. But if your dog is not properly trained to react to these circumstances chances are that your dog wont.

Even if your dog is the aggressive type proper training is still required for your dog to respond to your commands. Before you begin to teach your dog “Attack Commands” make sure your pet understands simple commands like stop, sit, stand, come and run before introducing your dog to more advance commands. It is important that you the trainer take some safety precautions like wearing a gloves preferable one that protects the entire arm.

The Technique

Sit your dog down and use the gloves to tap him/ her in the face until your pet become irritated and attack the gloves.

Has soon has your pet attack the gloves shout the word ”attack” by doing this you are teaching your dog what attack really means.

Show your pet that you are pleased whether by praising him/her verbally or with a treat for motivation.

Practice and Repetition

Repeat these steps with your pet until your pet understand what the word “attack” means you will see progress when your dog respond more quickly to the “attack “command by immediately attacking the gloves has he hears the command.

To ensure that your dog fully understand the command stand at a short distance and say the command if your dog attack immediately this will show you he is familiar with the command but if not there is no need to worry just repeat the steps over until your pet masters the command.

Now it’s time to practice with an intruder or your pet my rush at your arms whenever he hears the command. To help your pet identify an intruder you can make a caricature human and put it at a distance then shout “attack “while pointing at the fake intruder, however for the first few time your dog may run in your direction . So let intruder stand at the door way so they can close the door in case your dog disobey your “stop” command. If your pet is familiar with the “stop” command then it should immediately stop when you give the command.

This step is very curial because it teaches your dog you may sometimes want it to stop attacking after initially giving the command.

Young Dogs are Easier to Train

If you want to make a guard dog out of your dog you should begin training from your dog is very young so it can grow in these traits it is also important that you choose a dog from the more aggressive dog breeds like German shepherd, Doberman and Rottweiler. These dogs are naturally suspicious and alert so they are most effective for guard dogs. Guard dogs have a lot of energy, pays attention to their owner they also tends recover quickly after being scold and they are very friendly to their family and people the owner accepts has non-threatening.

Foster Confidence in Your Dog

A good guard dog must be confident in himself and his surroundings. A dog with confidence becomes curious about new areas and new people, with proper socialization you can in still confidence in your dog.

A good guard needs to be assertive but not pushy or overly aggressive this mean he will be comfortable to put himself in a position to getting what he wants he will also be confident in approaching a new situation rather than backing away. These are natural characteristics of a good guard dog which you must ensure you see in your dog while observing him/her before you begin the training it to become a guard dog. Be sure to treat your dog like you would treat a member of your family giving it love and attention because like any other dog your protection dog needs to feel loved.

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