Valbazen for Dogs

It doesn’t matter how old your dog is. Whether you have a newborn pup or a beautiful old-timer, at some point or another, it has probably suffered from worms. It’s just a fact. No matter how good your precautions are, dogs are extremely susceptible to worm infections.  

This is why it’s important for you to learn how to avoid them as much as possible. More importantly, you need to know how to treat them when they manifest. While there are tons of possible treatments for dog worms on the market, very few are reliable. Valbazen is one of those few.  Albendazole is the main ingredient in Valbazen. You can buy Albendazole De-wormer tablets here or pure Albendazole Powder here.


Why? Well, for a number of reasons. First, it’s been on the market for a long time. It’s one of the first products vets go to when they want to treat worms. More importantly, it’s just effective. It gets the job done. But you need more than that if you’re going to give something you just heard about to your pup, right?  

Well, let’s get into more details. Let’s find out why Valbazen is so special, how it works, if it has any side effects, and any other thoughts that might cross your mind.  

What is Valbazen? 

Valbazen Dewormer

Valbazen is just the commercial name for a drug that’s been on the market for a long time called albendazole. Albendazole is a simple anthelmintic drug that was first patented back in 1975. At first, it was registered for use in sheep and cattle. After about a decade, it was declared safe for use in humans, as well.  

Around that time, vets started introducing it to dogs and realized its miraculous worm-killing effects. It was found particularly powerful against liver flukes and other cyst-forming worms. This is why Valbazen is the go-to medication when your dog is infected by one of these parasites.  

Speaking on the chemical level, Valbazen is a member of the benzimidazole family. Every one of the chemical compounds in this family, including Valbazen, has its unique way of killing worms.   

How does Valbazen Work? 

Let’s get a bit technical for all you dog-lovers out these who want to know every little detail. Valbazen is an anthelmintic that targets certain areas in a worm’s body. Once it’s been administered, Valbazen starts looking for special receptors on a worm’s body and when it finds them, Valbazen gets to work. 

It causes changes that prevent the worm from taking in glucose. So? Well, can you live without food? Probably not, right? Well, glucose is a worm’s source of food and energy. Valbazen cuts off the worms’ energy supply so they just wither away and die. Simple, but effective.   

What Type of Worm infections does Valbazen treat?  

Dog worm infections

Valbazen is one of the more versatile deworming medications on the market. It covers a pretty broad spectrum. You’ll find vets prescribing Valbazen for all kinds of infections. That being said, there are some worms that are more susceptible to Valbazen than others.  

Valbazen is the preferred drug of choice when it comes to giardiasis, trichuriasis, filariasis, neurocysticercosis, hydatid disease, pinworm disease, and ascariasis. These parasites don’t stand a chance.  

How do I know my Dog needs Valbazen? – Symptoms of a Worm infection  

No matter how hygienic your pup is, it’s bound to get some kind of worm infection at one point or another in its life. That’s why responsible dog owners always keep a bottle of Valbazen handy because you never know when it might come in handy.  

That being said, how do you know when it’s time to pop open that bottle of Valbazen? What symptoms or signs should you look for if you suspect your dog has a worm infection? Well, each worm has its own unique set of symptoms but here a few general ones to look for. 


You might find traces or moderate amounts of blood in the infected dog’s stool,

Weight loss

If your dog seems to be getting thinner every day, it might have a worm infection and might need Valbazen. Worms tend to eat your pup’s food leaving it malnourished. 

A Change in Appetite

Having worms in your dog’s stomach makes it not-so-welcoming when it comes to food, 

A Rough or Dry Coat

Worm infections often result in malnutrition and dehydration which appear in the quality of your dog’s coat and fur. This could signal a worm infection that requires Valbazen.  

Scooting on their bottom 

Your dog scooting can be a result of Intestinal parasites, like tapeworms. Worms can cause itching and irritation around your dog’s anus.


Dogs with major roundworm infections, especially puppies normally exhibit vomiting. One good way to tell is to examine your dog’s vomit to see there are any worm present.

Since Valbazen is most popular when it comes to liver flukes, you should always be on the lookout for signs and symptoms unique to those parasites. Here are some of the more common symptoms that might warrant administering Valbazen. 


If you notice your dog’s skin has a kind of yellow tinge, it might be suffering from jaundice caused by liver flukes. These pesky parasites attack your dog’s liver preventing it from excreting a substance called bilirubin.  

When bilirubin builds up, it results in a yellowish color under your pup’s skin. Your vet will likely prescribe Valbazen to help get rid of the liver flukes causing this problem.  

Changes in Urination

 if you notice your dog is thirstier than usual or is urinating more frequently, this might signal a liver fluke infection. The same goes for dark-colored urine. 

How much Valbazen should I give my Dog? 

While it’s always better to follow the guidelines on the bottle or to consult with your vet, there is a general rule of thumb. To calculate how much Valbazen to give your dog per dose, first find out how much your dog weighs. For every 10 pounds, give about 1cc of Valbazen. In other words, you’ll need about 0.1cc of Valbazen for every pound your dog weighs.  

Chances are you’ll need more than one dose of Valbazen to get the job done. It usually leaves your dog’s system quickly, in under 12 hours, which means you’ll need to constantly re-administer a dose every day or so. 

If your dog is suffering from neurocysticercosis, your vet will most likely prescribe Valbazen for 8-30 days, depending on the severity of the infection. You might even have to repeat the course after a couple of weeks to make sure you get any residual worms.  

In the case of cystic hydatid disease, Valbazen is usually prescribed for 28 days. After that, your dog gets a 2-week break before starting Valbazen again and repeating the cycle 2-3 times. This helps get rid of the cysts and prevents recurring infections.  

Valbazen comes in the form of an oral suspension which you can easily add to your dog’s water or administer directly. Make sure to shake the bottle before using it to make sure the active ingredients get distributed evenly throughout the suspension.  

There are several sizes of Valbazen to choose from. You can opt for the 500ml bottle or go for something bigger like the 1L or 5L version. Keep in mind that you’ll need to repeat the dosing cycle a few times so choosing a bigger bottle might be the smarter, more economic choice.  

The important thing is to always give Valbazen right after a meal because food significantly increases its effectiveness. If your dog takes Valbazen on an empty stomach, there won’t be enough blood flowing to the stomach area and this will lead to sub-optimal results.  

After administering the dose, there’s no need to keep Valbazen in the fridge. Room temperature is just fine.  

 When is Valbazen not right for your Dog? 

Generally speaking, Valbazen is quite safe. It’s actually one of the safest products on the market. However, when we talk about safety, we mean in healthy, perfectly-okay pups and dogs. Some dogs shouldn’t be given Valbazen without a vet’s consultation first.  

For example, if your dog is suffering from any kind of liver condition, you might want to check with your vet first before giving it Valbazen. The reason is simple. You know how everything that enters your dog’s body needs to be processed and excreted? It can’t stay in there forever, right?  

Well, the organ responsible for processing and excreting Valbazen is the liver. This means Valbazen can cause an increase in your dog’s liver enzymes, which normally isn’t a problem for healthy pups. 

However, if your dog has some kind of hepatic condition, you don’t want to over-work its liver and put it under more pressure. That’s why Valbazen is not preferred in case of liver conditions.  

Another important thing you should know is Valbazen shouldn’t be given to pregnant dogs. If your pup is pregnant and needs to be treated for worms, you might want to ask your vet to prescribe an alternative.  

That’s because Valbazen can often result in the low birth weight of newborn puppies. It can also cause them to be born with cleft palates.  

These cases might not be that common but you sure don’t want to risk your newborn dogs’ health. Avoid Valbazen when it comes to pregnant dogs.  

The last thing worth mentioning, as rare as it is, is that Valbazen might lower the white blood cell count of immune-compromised dogs. It’s not that common but if your pup’s been getting a lot of infections lately, you might want to check its immune system and as your vet before using Valbazen.  

Drug interactions- Things you shouldn’t use with Valbazen 

Like any drug or medication on the market, there are some things that shouldn’t be administered with Valbazen. Some drugs can cause augmented toxic effects while others can cancel out the therapeutic effects of the other.  

Here are a few examples of drugs that can possibly interact with Valbazen.  

  • Dexamethasone 
  • Praziquantel 
  • Cimetidine  

Are there any side effects of Valbazen?  

While side effects are very rare, there are a few signs you might notice if your pup is somewhat sensitive to Valbazen. There are some GIT-related side effects such as nausea, vomiting, and mild stomach pain. These are the usual adverse effects that you find in almost all drug pamphlets. 

Valbazen might also cause some dizziness and temporary hair loss in some rare cases. However, there’s nothing to worry about because these side effects aren’t serious at all and they aren’t very common, either. Worms are definitely the more important threat to focus on.  

A Word about the Company 

Before you consider buying anything on the internet, you should do your research. Make sure you find out everything you can about the product itself and more importantly, the manufacturer. So who’s behind this magical dewormer? Zoetis Animal Health. 

This innovative company is the mastermind behind Valbazen. While based in the U.S., Zoetis is a global name with over 65 years of experience in the veterinary field. They’ve made all kinds of products for pets from medications and vaccines to diagnostic equipment. Their most recent prized product is Valbazen.  

Interestingly, the company’s name actually explains their vision. The first part of Zoetis, “zo”, comes from zoology, which is the field they’re so passionate about. Zoetis also comes from zoetic, which means “pertaining to life”.   

 Zoetis’ goal is to improve the quality of life of pets all around the world. Now that’s a company you can trust with your pup’s health.   

Frequently Asked Questions- Valbazen 

Is there a Chance of an Overdose when using Valbazen?  

As long as you follow the guidelines on the bottle and your vet’s instructions, there shouldn’t be anything to worry about. Valbazen is perfectly safe in moderate doses and there’s very little chance of an overdose. 

Valbazen has a very large therapeutic window, which is basically the maximum amount you can give your dog before it becomes too much or toxic. In fact, some people might even say that Valbazen can’t become toxic. Why?  

Because Valbazen isn’t very soluble in dogs’ GIT media. That means it can’t be absorbed in large quantities and if it can’t be absorbed, it doesn’t reach the blood which means it can’t cause any manifestations of an overdose.  

It’s like Valbazen has its very own safety net because your pup’s health definitely comes first.  

Can I use Valbazen for my other Pets? 

Valbazen was mainly manufactured for dogs, cattle, and sheep. While it may help get rid of worms in other animals or pets, its safety profile hasn’t really been tested on other animals so it’s safer to stick to those three only.  

Is Valbazen safe for human use?  

Generally speaking, the active ingredient in Valbazen, albendazole, has been around for some time and is often used to treat worm infections in humans. That means in theory, Valbazen should be relatively safe.  

That being said, Valbazen as a product hasn’t been tested on humans before which means you’re better off staying clear of your dog’s medication. 

My dog is allergic to Fenbendazole, can I give it Valbazen? 

Valbazen contains the active ingredient albendazole which belongs to the same family (benzimidazoles) as fenbendazole. That means there’s a very good chance your dog might also be allergic to Valbazen.  

In fact, your pup might want to avoid all members of the benzimidazole family such as mebendazole, fenbendazole, febantel, oxfendazole, oxibendazole, and flubendazole. If you’re uncertain, always check with your vet before administering Valbazen.

Does Valbazen work against all kinds of Worm Infections? 

While Valbazen does have a wide spectrum of activity, nothing is perfect. It works well against some kinds of worms while others are somewhat resistant to it. The main infections that Valbazen can fight include:  

  • Flatworms – cestodes; pork tapeworm; hydatic disease 
  • Nematodes – ascariasis; hookworm infections; trichinosis; filariasis 
  • Giardiasis – which is caused by Giardia lamblia 
  • Microsporidiosis  

     On the other hand, there are worms that are less susceptible to Valbazen such as the barber pole worm (Haemonchus).  

Do I need to Treat my Dog’s Worm Infection Right Away?  

One thing you should keep in mind is that worms aren’t like a common cold. They’re not self-limited which means they don’t just go away by themselves. They need to be treated. If you ignore your dog’s symptoms, they’ll just keep on getting worse.  

Since worms cause malnutrition, your dog could eventually end up with severe anemia or worse. That’s why you should administer a good deworming medication like Valbazen as soon as your vet confirms a worm infection. Don’t ignore your pup’s health.  

Main Ingredient Albendazole

The primary ingredient in Valbazen is Albendazole. Albendazole is an effective ingredient for treating worm infection in dogs.


Worms are the worst. They’re unpleasant for both you and your dog. They can do quite a number to your dog’s health and even worse, some can be transmitted to humans. That’s why treating and preventing worm infections in your dog should be a top priority.  

Preventing infection is complicated. You could take all the precautions in the world and a worm or two would still crawl their way into your dog’s GIT. Treating an infection, on the other hand, is quite easy. All you need is some Valbazen.  

This wonder drug works like magic thanks to its active ingredient, albendazole, which has been around for more than 40 years. All you have to do is check with your vet, follow the right dosage, and watch Valbazen get rid of all your dog’s worm problems.   

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