Why is my Schnauzers fur Turning Brown- How to Treat Tear Stains

If you’re a long-time dog owner, you’ve probably had to deal with tear stains before. They’re probably your worst nightmare. Not that they’re dangerous or anything, but they look so unpleasant. It’s just frustrating, right? If you’re someone who owns a white-fur pup, like a Schnauzer for instance, then you have it ten times worse! The tear stains become much more evident and unsightly.  

You’ve probably tried tons of products before and who knows, maybe they got the job done for a few days, but the tear stains return, don’t they? Well, it looks like you need a more permanent solution to those tear stains. There are several home remedies you can try that’ll help get rid of tear stains and make sure they don’t come back. Here’s everything you need to know to fight your Schnauzer’s tear stains.  

Using Apple Cider Vinegar for Tear Stains

Let’s start with the simplest, most basic trick to get rid of your Schnauzer’s tear stains: apple cider vinegar. There are two ways you can use it. First, you can simply add a few drops to a cotton ball and wipe away those tear stains. Sure, it doesn’t work very well on those super stubborn, resistant stains, but most of the time, it’ll do the trick.  

The second way you can use apple cider vinegar is actually the more reliable way. Just add half a teaspoon to your pup’s drinking water daily. Ideally, you want to repeat this every day for about a monthevery other month. Now, this isn’t really a quick-fix solution, but in the long run, it could very well stop the tear stains for good. What’s the secret behind apple cider vinegar? Simple.  

Apple cider vinegar can alter your Schnauzer’s pH levels. That means it makes sure it’s not overly acidic nor too basic. The idea is that bacteria, fungi, yeast, and a whole bunch of infections microorganisms like it when pH levels are at the extremes. Some bacteria decide to settle down and grow when they find the area around your Schnauzer’s eyes is too acidic. The same happens with yeast. By regulating the pH levels of your Schnauzer’s body, apple cider vinegar is essentially helping keep infections at bay. Since infections are often the main cause of tear stains, apple cider vinegar makes sure tear stains never return!  

Pro Tip: Apple Cider after a bath 

There’s another less-known method for using apple cider vinegar to get rid of Schnauzer tear stains. Add equal portions of apple cider vinegar and warm water and use the mixture after your Schnauzer’s bath. Rub it in gently making sure to avoid the eyes. After that, rinse with warm water and you’re good to go!  

Drinking Water 

Here’s another tip for those who want to get rid of tear stains for good: change your Schnauzer’s drinking water. First, you need to change the water daily or even twice a day. You don’t want to give bacteria and other microorganisms a chance to build up. Second, you want to change the type of drinking water you’re giving your SchnauzerIf you’re using tap water, you should definitely replace it with purified or filtered water.  

     The problem with tap water is that it contains too many components, especially minerals, that can contribute to the tear stain problem. Not to mention tap water has several health-related issues. By changing to purified or filtered water, you can easily protect your Schnauzer from these pesky stains.  

Using Coconut Oil for Tear Stains

 This one sounds too easy to be true. All you need is coconut oil. Just apply a small amount of coconut oil to the tear-stained areas and you won’t have to worry about them in the long run. How does this simple remedy work?  

Coconut oil, is well, an oil. That means it’s hydrophobic. In other words, it doesn’t mix well with water. Since one of the main causes of tear stains is literally “tears”, coconut oil helps stop these tears from being absorbed into your pup’s fur. No tears mean no tear stains. Pretty simple, huh?  

     The other thing about coconut oil is that it has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. The former prevents infections which are often the cause of tear stains, as we’ve mentioned earlier. The latter helps quell inflammation and irritation which is often the reason your Schnauzer’s tearing up in the first place. All in all, coconut oil is a pretty versatile and useful remedy for your Schnauzer’s tear stains.  

Taking care of your Schnauzer 

This one’s pretty obvious. If you want to avoid tear stains, you’ll need to take good care of your Schnauzer. For starters, you’ll need to wipe the area around your pup’s eyes regularly, day and night. Use a warm cloth and make sure to avoid direct contact with the eyes. This might not be an immediate solution but it helps avoid stain build-up in the first place. You should also keep the area dry because excessive tearing and excessive moisture are the main reasons your Schnauzer’s getting tear stains.  

Another important tip: groom your Schnauzer regularly. Sometimes, your pup becomes a bit too furry and some of its hair gets in its eyes. This could be causing it discomfort and irritation, which leads to tearing and tear stains. You should always keep your Schnauzer’s coat under control. Even better, take it to a professional groomer once a week for a fresh cut.  


You are what you eat. The same goes for your Schnauzer. If you’re not paying attention to everything your pup’s eating, don’t be surprised if tear stains are appearing more frequently. You should always go for high-quality, nutritious foods that are free from chemicals and additives. These are the best option if you want a healthy, stain-free SchnauzerAlso, make sure your pup isn’t allergic to anything in its food. This could very well be the source of your problem.  


Tear stain might be frustrating, but they’re easier to deal with than one might think. You just need to follow a few good tips and remedies and your Schnauzer’s tear stains will be gone before you know it!  

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