The Importance and Cleaning and Grooming Your Dog and Tips on How to Do it Properly

Dogs are naturally born free spirits; they live for fun and adventure. Getting them to stay put for an extended period of time is virtually impossible. For them the outdoors is a treasure waiting to be explored and when they get that chance they make the most use of it. The results of these expeditions more often than not are: dirt, smells and at time little accidents.

Allowing your dog to get dirt is their birth right; it is a dog’s right to explore their environment, to dig for bones in the dirt, to play in garbage piles and to make to most of the short time they have. As a pet owner your role is to ensure to this. Our pets or sometimes like our children, and even though most parents won’t admit they are less concerned when their children remain active; however as soon as there is a drop in the activity level fears start to arise.

How this Dirt can lead to Sicknesses for Both You and Your Dog

Ringworm is one fungus that is known to spread from animals to humans. Dermatophytosis is the scientific name for fungal infection of the skin, hair or claws. Dermatophytes in animals are known as ringworm and are sometimes present in the soil. The name zoonotic disease is awarded to it because of its ability to travel from animals to humans.

Once your dog has contracted this ringworm it can then be easily spread through direct contact with your pet, or when you come in contact with objects in the home that have already been touched by your dog with this fungus. However not every human that comes into contact with your infected pet, will contract the fungus.

When considering the external parasites that your pet can come into contact with on any one of his/her exploratory adventure, the two that most frequently comes to mind are fleas and ticks; which like the ringworm can be easily transferred from your pet to yourself. These parasites are accompanied by extreme discomfort to your dog.

Fleas and ticks have the potential to grow exponentially consuming its host and spreading to other body. If these parasites are identified in their early stages that can be completely eradicated before they can cause any extensive damages.

Dog Odor and Illness

If you have owned a dog long enough you would have at one point or another experienced the unpleasant dog odors. If any of these smells happen to be coming from within your dog, and is not a result of one of the animal’s adventures in a garbage pile; then there is a significant cause for concern.

The smell can be an indication of anything from flatulence, which is simply the accumulation of gas; to a disease, which may prove fatal; or simply an indication that the animal needs a bath. When in a situation such as this the best approach is to consult with a veterinarian. If the cause of the smell happens to be related to a chronic illness, in most situations early detection and treatment is the only hope of eradication.

Causes of Dog Odors

There are a range of different factors, illnesses and even diseases that can result in the production of a range of disturbing dog odors. Being knowledgeable about these conditions is at times half the battle. If your dog is emitting an offensive smell, then chances are that the animal is dealing with one or more of the following issues:

Yeast Infection

Malassezia pachydermatis is yeast that is continually present on the skin and ears of dogs. The malassezia pachydermatis becomes an issue when there is an over growth of yeast in any of these areas. The specific reason behind this condition still seems to escape professionals; however malassezia pachydermatis has been linked to excessive wet skin, allergies and hormone imbalance among other factors.

This yeast does not discriminate; it affects any dog breed, from poodles to dachshunds. The symptoms are inclusive of but not limited to: skin irritation, hair lost, foul odors, greasiness and scaly skin.

Dog Halitosis

Halitosis is the medical term use to describe bad breath. Some dogs may smell as a direct result of having halitosis. This bad breath can be the consequence of indigestion, constipation and gingivitis among other dental problems. Like humans a dog that is in good health and has a good oral hygiene does not have bad breath.

Improper Grooming

Some dog owners don’t spend nearly enough time, or even puts the effort into ensuring that their dogs maintain proper hygiene. Some dogs may need more attention than others, but in general a dog smells much better when they get baths on a regular basis, when they are exposed to the right shampoo or conditioner and when their coat is combed frequently.

Improper Diet

Dogs usually suffer from bad breath and skin problems when they are feed on low quality, as opposed to high quality foods. Low quality dog foods are those that are high in carbohydrate and low in protein and fatty acids, which is at times referred to as the good fat.

How to prevent the Spreading of Germs

Given that a ringworm can be easily concealed when it is on your dog’s skin, the best way to contain its spreading and prevent it from doing much damage is through frequent grooming. Though a ringworm infection usually resolves its self, the best way to give it a head start and secure the health of you your pet and your family is by ensuring that your pet has proper hygiene.

There are a large collection of dog products that are design to illuminate the problem of either or both flea and ticks. If you groom your dog regularly you will be able to identify these parasites before they start to get out of control, and with that knowledge you are able to create an environment that is safe for you, your pet and your family.

Grooming your dog on a regular basis is nowhere as tedious as it may seem, and even if your pet is not quite open to the idea of frequent grooming at first; you have the potential to over time turn it into an activity that your pet enjoys.

There are many fun ways to groom your dog; introducing treats into the grooming process will only serve to help. There are even treats designed to assist in the grooming of your dog; such as the greenies dog chews. The greenies dog treats are design to take care of your pet’s oral health, and it works so well because these treats are so taste your dog won’t stop until it is completely finish.

If your pet dislikes grooming because of the water factor there are dry shampoos that will produce the same results as the ones that require the use of water do. With this shampoo bath time for your pet may prove to be a lot more appealing than it once was.

How to Treat andPrevent Dog Odors

  • Most dogs should be bathed at least once per month, with the exception being dogs with long coats; these dogs require more frequent baths if proper hygiene is to be maintained.
  • Dead hair and skin cells can lead to odor; in order to prevent this dogs coat should be frequently brushed or combed. This grooming is required when a dog is shedding and is even more essential for dogs who do not shed, because is the only way to get rid of the dead hair.
  • Using dry shampoos on the days between baths, and dog medical shampoos when needed can eliminate dog odors.
  • Brushing your dog’s teeth is one form of bad breath prevention.
  •  You can remove toxins from your dog’s body that can over time progress into foul odors, by feeing your dog with pets barley grass, wheat grass or chlorophyll.
  • There are a range of spray-on doggie deodorizers that are available for use on your pet, the goal is to purchase the one that is the safest and has the most health benefits.
  • Have your pet do yearly checkups at a veterinarian office, just to ensure all is well in the health and physical departments.
  • In some situations the best decision is to visit your vet, so the source of the odor can be professionally identified. From here the doctor will prescribe medications that are appropriate to treat the particular problem, and even recommend steps that you can take to ensure the specific odor issue along with others does not reoccur.

Why Grooming your Dog is a Necessity?

Grooming your dog does much more for you, your dog and your family than you might realise. One of the most important goals you as a pet owner might have is to have the satisfaction of knowing that your dog is happy. It is quite rare to find an animal that actually enjoys any aspect of their cleaning process.

When cleaning your dog it doesn’t stop at just a bath; you will need to take into consideration oral hygiene and other small aspect on your pet’s body. Though cleaning all these areas may cause your pet a little discomfort during the process, the long term rewards makes that slight discomfort completely worth it.

For years many companies that produce dog grooming products have been working with scientists and veterinarians, to make the grooming process for your dog more comfortable and effective at the same time.

The health benefits that your pet attains from regular cleaning are reflective in your dog’s happiness and also in your home. A dog that is groomed on a regular basis is less likely to contract a range of diseases. A dog that is groomed regularly is able to function more effectively; for example if you trim your dog’s nails on a regular basis the mobility of your dog will not be affected by over grown nails.

In addition you and your family will not be exposed to germs or parasites, which a dog that is infrequently attended to might have. Grooming your dog effectively protects you and your family from many germs and bacteria that can be transferred from animals to humans.

How frequently should your dog be cleaned?

Depending on the specific health condition of your dog a bath may be a required daily functionality. However if your dog is healthy a shampoo and water bath is required no less than once per month. There are a variety of health conditions which may warrant the frequent cleaning of your dog. Through the activities of scientists and veterinarians, many innovative medical products have emerged, that keeps your dog clean without the use of water while fulfilling their medicinal duties.

Some dog owners believe that cleaning a dog only entails taking care of the body. There are however, many areas on your pet that needs attending to if your dog is to have a proper hygiene, such as the mouth and the ears.

Depending on your dog’s ability to maintain a proper hygiene, and in order to keep your pet healthy other cleaning methods are recommended in the intervals between your pet’s water and shampoo baths. One such method is the dry bath; where the same results of a shampoo and water bath can be achieved, but with products that keeps your dog dry throughout the process.

Your dog as an individual has to be taken into consideration when deciding on a bathing frequency. If you dog is healthy and well you have to use your exposure to your pet’s ability to maintain good hygiene, to decide how often your dog should be clean. 

Things that can be taken into consideration when deciding how often your dog should be cleaned is whether your dog is a house dog or one who stays in the yard. The size of your dog and even the length of your pet’s coat should be contributing factors when deciding how often to clean him/her.

How to Give Your Dog a Complete Cleaning In Under 30 Minutes

Dogs are every owner’s daily companions and are constantly in touch with items, people and the outdoors which is why their personal hygiene is of tremendous importance. However that being said, it is quite hard to find time in one’s regular routine to clean and wash our canine companions as much as we would like. Hence, routines which comprise of thirty minutes or less are far more desirable and time-saving.


Most experts recommend that dogs should not be washed with shampoo or a detergent of similar qualities more than once a week because it can potentially dry out the underlying skin of the animal. This can then cause flaking and itching and make your pet irritable and uncomfortable. You can rinse the dog with water to wash off extra dirt if they’ve been playing but actual shampooing should be reserved to a few times every month and no more.

Dogs (unless they are greatly used to the ordeal) will wriggle about when being shampooed. Place your dog in a tub or somewhere where he cannot move a great deal and use a hand attachment or bath mug to give him a quick washing. It is best to use a shampoo which has moisturizing properties so that the mane appears silky and soft when the dog is dried off. To save time and get the job done quicker use a special dog hair drier or a regular hair drier on a medium to cool setting.

Cleaning His Teeth

The oral hygiene of your dog is very important because they can ingest a great many germs through their mouth which remains open a great deal of the time in order to salivate and release heat. Use a beef or food flavored toothpaste to attract your dog so that you can be in and out with a dog brush.

Other Areas

It can be easy to neglect areas like the eyes and ears which are quite sensitive and do need to be cleaned every now and then. Buy pads which are pre-moistened in order to prevent fuss and clean their delicate ears very easily. Most pet shops also sell eye drops which self-clean once they are deposited on the eyeball. The key is to not neglect important tasks when cleaning your dog but to use short cuts in the way that you do it in order to save time. This is just as well since most dogs are generally impatient with tasks such as really thorough cleaning as they can get bored.

Products And Tools For Quick Cleaning

There are many products out there for dog grooming and cleaning and they aid in not only keeping your dog in tip top shape during the week but also reducing the time of actual washing and shampooing when you get down to it. These products can be all-purpose pet grooming wipes which disinfect as well as surface clean and a pet brush which keeps the dog’s coat silky and free of dirt of particles. Just like there are dry shampoos for people which absorb oil without needing to be rinsed; the same is available in a dog-appropriate format. Simply spray on the areas you think need it and you are good to go as no rinsing is required. A do-it-yourself version of store bought dry shampoos is one you can concoct out of some natural corn starch and baking soda.

A detangled coat of hair in a dog means that it will gather less dirt and will be easier to wash whenever you do get around to it. There are detangling sprays available in pet stores which add a glisten and also make your dog more appealing and fresh. General freshening sprays can also give the illusion of a freshly washed dog.

Be Efficient

Most people especially dog owners keep a planner of sorts which helps them find time for essential tasks related to their canine friends. If you single out a specific day for cleaning and general upkeep you are less likely to be stressed and more able to get the job done well and quickly. Like mentioned before, having the right tools like a detachable shower head or a dog sprayer for example can also speed things up considerably.

Final Thoughts

Essentially the grooming of your pet is recommended to be done as frequently as possible. This conclusion is as a result of all of the health benefits that your per will receive from the frequency of the procedure. One of the most important benefits is that if there is an issue with your pet you will be able to identify it from its initial stages; this is because frequent grooming allows you to become more familiar with your pets body, making the immediate identification of new abnormalities a timely task.

Like humans the early detection of any issue with your dog has the potential to save your pet’s life. Indirectly frequent grooming can extend the time that you and your beloved pet has together, which essentially comes down to the amount of time you wish to invest in your pet’s health and wellbeing.

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