
Walkin’ Rear No-knuckling Training Sock


Walkin’ Rear No-Knuckling Training Sock for Dogs is designed to improve the sense of self-movement and body position in dogs suffering from Knuckling.

SKU: KN-023 Category:


This product helps to enhance your dog’s sense of self-movement and body position…and it is specially designed for your dog’s hind legs.


It is very useful if your dog suffers from neurological deficits, disc disease, or is recovering from spinal surgery because it supports above and below your dog’s joint.


Manufactured by; Walkin’ Pets by Handicappedpets




Walkin’ Rear no-knuckling training sock is designed to help heal your dog if has any of the following conditions that results in knocking of his rear legs;

  • IVDD (Intervertebral Disc Disease)
  • DM (Degenerative Myelopathy)
  • Wobblers (CVI)-(Cervical Vertebral Instability)
  • FCE (Fibro cartilaginous embolism)
  • Cervical Disc Disease
  • Neurological disorders

The above-mentioned diseases can cause Knuckling of your dog’s rear paw. It is also perfect for rehabilitation and helps your pet recover from spinal surgery.


This training sock is made from lightweight neoprene with an extra fleece pad and toe cord cushioning that offers a comfortable fit for your pet suffering from a weak hind leg.


It comes with an adjustable cord loop to get it fitted perfectly, and touch fastener closures to provide support below and above your dog’s joint.


When you use this product on your dog, it stimulates between its toes, kindling a withdrawal reflex between its toes.

This makes your dog pick its foot up higher which corrects its gait, and improves the placement of its hind paw.




These training socks come in various sizes suitable for both large and small dog breeds.

Refer to the table below when choosing the ideal size for your dog…



The measurement from the top of your dog’s paw to the center of its hock joint


Recommend size




Up to 3 inches





up to 15lbs



up to 4 inches




up to 30lbs


4 to 6 inches






6 to 8 inches






Above 8 inches





Above 80lbs.





This product helps your dog pick up his feet when knuckling under, and dragging his rear paws.

And it is designed specifically for your dog’s rear legs.







Additional information


Large, Medium, Small, X Small


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