At we are dedicated to making your shopping experience easy and convenient which is why we offer a variety of payment options. We accept all major credit cards through our payment processor stripe and we accept Paypal.
Where do we Ship to and how long will it Take for me to Receive my Item
We offer free worldwide shipping. Please see below for shipping times for your area.
Destination Shipping Times
United States 7-14 business days
Europe 7-14 business days
Canada 15-30 business days
Australia and NZ 15-30 business days
Rest of the World 21 to 35 business days
The delivery times given here are only estimates and will start from the date your item is shipped rather than the date when you placed your order. The times listed here are for your guidance and may vary depending on exceptional circumstances. Business days as mentioned above refers to teh period Monday to Friday.
The date of delivery may vary depending on the carrier shipping practices, delivery location, method of delivery, and items ordered. Products may also be delivered in separate shipments.
Please view our Return Policy for information about how to return your item and the conditions under which your item may be returned.